January 27, 2011

resourceful unemployee

The past few months have been an adventure.  God's definitely teaching me how to make the most of each day... seeing it as an adventure... and applying my creativity to different areas of life!  It's been fun to see how God provides and has granted the desire of my heart in many ways.  Even through my Grandfather passing away... we ended up with a wonderful new rental home and so many treasures to play with!

I love being resourceful and making the most of a good deal when I can! Here's some of my latest resourceful efforts!

#1. Ordered 10 Free Business Cards from Moo.com > instead of just the typical contact info... I took the liberty of loading a picture of my hubby and I to one side... and then brief descriptions of our qualifications! Killing two birds with one stone! 
Job market... here we come!!

#2. On that "networking card" I also listed my FREE one page website > www.flavors.me/danicaraye ...you'll not only find some contact info, a description of my skills, experience & education... but you can also see a photo of a project I did a few months ago!

#3. My mom loves to put out flowers and plants from her yard. One of her favorite tools is called a flower frog. I was at a thrift shop and found this awesome crackle, glazed ceramic piece with a frog already in it! Just cleaned it up and added some plants from a centerpiece I received from an event! 
TaDa! Resourceful Gifting!!!!

Mini Flower Frog


  1. Wow! D you are so creative! (And resourceful!)

  2. Love that picture of you guys! You guys just can't get any cuter - sheesh!
